

The Republicans Were Much, Much Better When They Were the Party of the Rich

Bringing it back to the Republicans and the right, the rich get that way by doing remarkable things that make the U.S. the envy of the world. The rich are brilliant. Why would Republicans and the right run from what has lifted them for so long? The Party of the Rich. That’s a cool thing to be.

The Republicans Were Much, Much Better When They Were the Party of the Rich Read More »


What Happens When Monetarist Central-Planning Marries Santa Keynes

Keynesian theory says governments can grow the economy with spending, but that too much government spending causes inflation. Monetarism, a Keynesian variant, claims that increases in so-called “money supply” power economic growth, but that too much money brings on inflation.

What Happens When Monetarist Central-Planning Marries Santa Keynes Read More »


With Export Controls Gina Raimondo Vandalizes Logic, & U.S. Companies

Wrapping its thoughtless actions in “national security” sanctimony, the Biden administration will weaken a U.S. always and everywhere made stronger by imports, all the while reducing the cost of war between the U.S. and Chinese by suffocating the very trade that, for making war so expensive, renders it unlikely.

With Export Controls Gina Raimondo Vandalizes Logic, & U.S. Companies Read More »

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