
College Football Playoff: Bad for the Sport, Worse for the Players

Booming Columbus, OH is thick with former Ohio State Buckeye football players who are part of the boom. Their close ties with the school’s most prominent alums, and that were forged during their playing days, have set all too many up for life in an employment sense. The previous anecdote is probably the best […]

College Football Playoff: Bad for the Sport, Worse for the Players Read More »

book review

Book Review: Scott Howard-Cooper’s ‘Kingdom on Fire’

If you’re interested in or remember John Wooden and UCLA’s basketball dynasty, you’ll enjoy Scott Howard-Cooper’s new book, Kingdom on Fire. It’s a fun read that shines a light on Wooden’s genius, while also reminding readers how much fun college sports used to be, including the formerly great UCLA/Notre Dame basketball rivalry.

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