
Articles, commentary, and opinion on economics, markets, business, inflation, banking, history and more from Parkview Institute Founder John Tamny.

Supply Siders Close To Trump Need To Fix His Dollar Confusion

It used to be broadly understood that inflation was currency devaluation, not a politicized concept that warring ideologies could redefine on the fly. They’ve done exactly this in recent years by making inflation whatever they want it to be, including an effect of lockdowns, deficits, the impossibility that is “easy money,” and on and on.

Supply Siders Close To Trump Need To Fix His Dollar Confusion Read More »

book review

Yet Another Attempt To Make Sense of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s ‘The Brothers Karamazov’

As always, what’s the point of trying to get through the long Russian novels without writing out the alleged insights? The Brothers Karamazov was much more difficult to follow than Crime and Punishment, which means it requires another read that I probably won’t get around to.

Yet Another Attempt To Make Sense of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ Read More »

If Index Funds Were Politically Motivated, They Wouldn’t Be Index Funds

As index funds rise in prominence, so grows the belief that they’ll use the size of their buying to influence companies in politicized fashion. Except if they did as the critics imagine, they wouldn’t be index funds. Furthermore, the low – and falling – costs of index funds are all the information we need to know that passive investment options aren’t suddenly being managed in active fashion.

If Index Funds Were Politically Motivated, They Wouldn’t Be Index Funds Read More »

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