John Tamny

John Tamny is a popular speaker and author in the U.S. and around the world. His speech topics include "Government Barriers to Economic Growth," "Why Washington and Wall Street are Better Off Living Apart," and more.


If Javier Milei Trusts the Markets, He Doesn’t Need to ‘Dollarize’

This will cause some heads to explode within the various free-market and interventionist religions, but market forces born of production decide which currencies circulate, not central banks or presidents. Which means Javier Milei is wise to not dollarize.

If Javier Milei Trusts the Markets, He Doesn’t Need to ‘Dollarize’ Read More »


Yo U.S. Protectionists, How Goes the ‘Ban’ On Chip Sales In China?

Napoleon “did not realize until it was too late that the only closed political economy is the world economy. Britain could not be starved into submission by blockade unless she were totally cut off from the world. As long as Britain could trade with any nation outside France, it was thus trading indirectly with France.”—Jude

Yo U.S. Protectionists, How Goes the ‘Ban’ On Chip Sales In China? Read More »

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