John Tamny

John Tamny is a popular speaker and author in the U.S. and around the world. His speech topics include "Government Barriers to Economic Growth," "Why Washington and Wall Street are Better Off Living Apart," and more.

There’s No ‘Junk’ In Credit Card Swipe Fees, Just Essential Service

Credit/debit card issuers quite literally finance the purchases of customers, they enhance the ability of customers to make purchases by not limiting them to what’s in their pockets, and most of all they free retailers from a myriad of burdens including judging the cash or creditworthiness of buyers.

There’s No ‘Junk’ In Credit Card Swipe Fees, Just Essential Service Read More »


Nvidia’s Unlikely Ascent Is An Enemy of Stalked-by-Fallacy ‘Economics’

Economists near monolithically believe the Fed can decree “easy money” via its funds rate, that government spending grows the economy, and that by pushing its funds rate low, the Fed can engineer stock market rallies. Thankfully we have companies like Nvidia.

Nvidia’s Unlikely Ascent Is An Enemy of Stalked-by-Fallacy ‘Economics’ Read More »

DOJ Ankle Biters Attack Live Nation For Seeing What No One Saw

To read about the DOJ’s antitrust suit against Live Nation isn’t to find offense, but to realize that Live Nation saw a future amid a fraught time for the industry that its competitors did not. And for not wanting to hire the losers, it’s threatened with breakup. In other words, typical antitrust.

DOJ Ankle Biters Attack Live Nation For Seeing What No One Saw Read More »

Watch ‘Pretty In Pink’ to Grasp the Unseen Horrors of Net Neutrality

How horrifying to think that the price control falsely described as “net neutrality” could deprive us of what the internet could be. And it’s what we aren’t “demanding” from the internet that should really worry us. See Pretty In Pink if you’re confused.

Watch ‘Pretty In Pink’ to Grasp the Unseen Horrors of Net Neutrality Read More »

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