

The Trump Tax Cuts Were Keynesian, Not Supply Side. Let Them Lapse

Consumption is once again a consequence of reducing the tax burden on those (the rich) most penalized by taxes. No serious supply-sider would disagree with what’s just been said, which is why it’s more than odd that they near-unanimously are cheering for extension of the 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that, by the admission of those same supply siders, largely reduced the tax burden on middle and poor earners while increasing it on the rich. Let the vastly overrated tax bill die. The economy grew despite it

The Trump Tax Cuts Were Keynesian, Not Supply Side. Let Them Lapse Read More »


On the Matter of Expensive Big Macs, McDonald’s Isn’t to Blame

Talmon Joseph Smith and Jordyn Holman of the New York Times recently reported that “Over the past year, a series of indignant McDonald’s customers took to social media and posted receipts of orders they feel were overpriced.” Adding the empirical to the emotional, Smith and Holman note that since 2019 the price of a

On the Matter of Expensive Big Macs, McDonald’s Isn’t to Blame Read More »

If They’re Talking ‘Monopoly,’ They Don’t Have a Clue What One Is

Former attorney general William Barr is at it again with his overnight conversion to “monopoly” critic. He claims that if “allowed to dominate AI,” Microsoft, Google and Amazon “could reinforce and extend their supremacy over more of the economy.”

If They’re Talking ‘Monopoly,’ They Don’t Have a Clue What One Is Read More »

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