book review

Book Review: Tevi Troy’s ‘The Power and the Money’

Jeff Bezos’s purchase of the Washington Post in 2013 may not have been his best business acquisition, but it still arguably rates among his best acquisitions. Precisely due to Amazon’s stupendous growth borne of a remarkable business that much of the world can’t live without, the purchase of Washington, D.C.’s most important newspaper signaled a degree […]

Book Review: Tevi Troy’s ‘The Power and the Money’ Read More »

Book Review: CTA CEO Gary Shapiro’s ‘Pivot or Die’

It’s always amusing to read about businesses said to possess so-called “monopoly” power in the U.S., or much more disturbingly, about accusations of “monopoly” power from the ankle biters inside the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission. By definition these accusations are made well after the fact. That is so simply because today’s

Book Review: CTA CEO Gary Shapiro’s ‘Pivot or Die’ Read More »

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