
Articles, commentary, and opinion on economics, markets, business, inflation, banking, history and more from Parkview Institute Founder John Tamny.

Critics of ‘Isolationism’ Cherry-Pick the Worst Arguments For It

Critics of so-called “isolationism” claim a desire to stay out of conflicts like Ukraine are rooted in veneration for Donald Trump and/or Tucker Carlson, partisan disdain for Joe Biden, fear that the U.S. is too weak for global involvement, too broke, or that non-interventionists want to save money, bombs and bullets for the supposedly inevitable war with China over Taiwan.

Critics of ‘Isolationism’ Cherry-Pick the Worst Arguments For It Read More »


Can the Fed Increase the Rate of Interest Charged to Taylor Swift?

At the Wall Street Journal, Fed-watcher Timiraos writes that with government measures of inflation having “fallen much faster than expected,” nominal interest rates “adjusted for inflation” have “risen and might be restricting economic activity too much.” He worries that the nothing of notion of “rising real rates” signals great peril for the U.S. economy, and the Fed that allegedly plans it. The good news is that rates aren’t uniform because people aren’t.

Can the Fed Increase the Rate of Interest Charged to Taylor Swift? Read More »

U2, Pauli ‘The PSM’ Lovejoy, and the Marvel That Is Las Vegas Sphere

That James Dolan is the money behind Las Vegas Sphere is a pretty loud reminder that few initially thought the idea worthy. To attend a concert there is to see what a miracle Dolan backed. Love or hate Las Vegas, no one would say it lacks entertainment options. Yet the Sphere experience manages to pull 20,000+ each concert night away from all the other options. With good reason.

U2, Pauli ‘The PSM’ Lovejoy, and the Marvel That Is Las Vegas Sphere Read More »

The Incredibly High Cost of Errant Capital Allocations

As always there are no price controls, there are just shortages. Place President Biden’s rhetorical attacks on “junk fees” in the price control category, along with the CFPB’s regulatory attacks. Nothing is free. Yet the CFPB wants to bring down the $32 charged for late payments on credit cards to $8. Someone will pay for this. Readers can guess who.

The Incredibly High Cost of Errant Capital Allocations Read More »


If Javier Milei Trusts the Markets, He Doesn’t Need to ‘Dollarize’

This will cause some heads to explode within the various free-market and interventionist religions, but market forces born of production decide which currencies circulate, not central banks or presidents. Which means Javier Milei is wise to not dollarize.

If Javier Milei Trusts the Markets, He Doesn’t Need to ‘Dollarize’ Read More »

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