John Tamny

John Tamny is a popular speaker and author in the U.S. and around the world. His speech topics include "Government Barriers to Economic Growth," "Why Washington and Wall Street are Better Off Living Apart," and more.

Retirement Plans Should Protect Employees From Retirement-Plan Experts

Ian Ayres and Quinn Curtis are law professors at Yale and UVA. Their area of expertise is retirement, and as they see it, the typical employee paying into retirement funds must be saved from himself. The professors want force to make sure the hoi polloi aren’t “misusing” their menu of investment options. Naturally it’s lost on Ayres and Quinn that the collective knowledge of those enrolled in retirement plans vastly exceeds theirs. Fearful that the mouthbreathers will go all in on gold, they’re out to make sure that experts take the proverbial wheel from those who don’t know as much as they imagine they know.

Retirement Plans Should Protect Employees From Retirement-Plan Experts Read More »


The Discredited Phillips Curve Cannot Be Discredited Enough

Talking to the New York Times recently, AEI’s lead economist in Michael Strain observed that “good news” for the Fed would be a recession. Since the credentialed near unanimously believe that job loss and bankruptcy are the cures for inflation, it’s up to those short on credentials but mildly long on common sense to correct an impoverishing narrative – over and over again – that just won’t die.

The Discredited Phillips Curve Cannot Be Discredited Enough Read More »

A Lesson From Hong Kong For Those Who Worry China Hides Bad News

According to Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell, “The Chinese economy has hit a rough patch.” On their face, comments like these always rate a raised eyebrow: I can’t measure the economy of the street I live on, but Rampell feels comfortable commenting from New York City on the health of people in a vast country on the other side of the world. How does she know what she claims to know?

A Lesson From Hong Kong For Those Who Worry China Hides Bad News Read More »

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