“Do you honestly think you’re going to replace this?” “This” was a thick phone book, or “Yellow Pages”, which on its own requires clarification since many reading this opinion piece are fortunate enough to be young enough to be unfamiliar with “phone books” or “Yellow Pages.”
For those unfamiliar, before the internet thick books used to be delivered to us that included phone numbers for everyone in the area, along with phone numbers for businesses.
It was these books that Elon and Kimbal Musk were trying to replace with their first entrepreneurial venture, Zip2. The latter was a 1990s concept created in the early days of the internet that would provide users with a searchable database of companies combined with mapping capabilities. Nowadays it’s commonplace, but when Kimbal Musk pitched the capabilities of Zip2 to a top Toronto Star executive back in the mid-90s, a searchable database was so distant from business convention that that his sales pitch elicited the haughty response that begins this piece.
It’s a reminder that well after the internet came to be, it was still a bit of a joke. Even as the 1990s came to a close, and as Elon Musk was still in the midst of his second start-up (X.com, which would become PayPal), the vast majority of payments for goods and services were delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Put another way, the only reason Musk, Peter Thiel, Max Levchin et al were able to shepherd PayPal from hard-to-keep-alive start-up to multi-billion dollar business was rooted in the widespread belief that the internet was a niche, faddish concept that would never replace longstanding ways of buying, selling, and payment for things bought and sold via U.S. Mail.
The past is useful as a way of understanding the present, and in particular the odd notion of “network neutrality,” the idea that internet service providers must treat all internet communications and usage equally. In thinking about what is a price control, imagine if instead of being introduced in 2003, “net neutrality” had been bruited by the academically minded in 1995, when the Musk brothers started Zip2. If so, those promoting neutrality for internet usage would have been treated even more disdainfully than Kimbal Musk was for presuming that an online searchable database would replace the Yellow Pages. Put another way, it’s safe to say that if the price control that is “net neutrality” had been introduced in 1995, no one would have bothered doing anything with it simply because there were scant few internet communications to treat equally.
Fast forward to 2003, and when big-is-bad academic Tim Wu coined – yes – “net neutrality,” it was another century both literally and figuratively relative to when the Musk brothers yet again got to work on “making fetch happen” (look it up) with the former obscurity that was the internet. Which will hopefully convince readers for, against, or unsure about “net neutrality” to construct a resoundingly unlikely counterfactual whereby academics not only happened on “net neutrality” in 1995, but, having happened on a future that microscopically few predicted, convinced the FCC to pick up on the notion of equalizing all internet communications and usage such that the rule was passed. About the counterfactual, keep in mind that “never would have happened” is easy to attach to it simply because academics wouldn’t be academics, and regulators wouldn’t be regulators, if they had a clue about what would be relevant in the future so that they could attack and regulate it in the present.
At the same time, this counterfactual is useful to contemplate as a way of reminding readers of two things. For one, if the price control that is “net neutrality” had been foisted on the very few internet service providers in the 1990s, it’s not unrealistic to say that the internet’s universality would never have come to be. Seriously, why invest in systems meant to bind us if regulators won’t allow us to enjoy the potential upside associated with a concept that few thought had a chance?
Second, hopefully the internet’s former status as an obscure notion awakens “net neutrality” proponents to the likelihood that in their efforts to impose price controls on how we do things in the present, they’re hopelessly stuck in the past. Look to the past, and Kimbal Musk once again, to see why that’s true.
Republished from RealClear Markets