John Tamny

John Tamny is a popular speaker and author in the U.S. and around the world. His speech topics include "Government Barriers to Economic Growth," "Why Washington and Wall Street are Better Off Living Apart," and more.

Country of Contrasts: A Review of Michael Reid’s ‘Spain’

The late Jude Wanniski once observed about Spain that its headline rate of unemployment had little to do with actual unemployment. Wanniski’s point was that the 20% official rate was merely a sign of Spaniards aggressively hiding their work from tax collectors. Wanniski’s analysis from decades ago was hard to forget while reading Michael

Country of Contrasts: A Review of Michael Reid’s ‘Spain’ Read More »

The Superfluous Conceit of Mandatory Bank ‘Stress Tests’

In the technology sector, poorly-run businesses don’t last long. They fail quickly only for their assets to be acquired by better stewards. The paradoxical truth is that the technology sector gains strength from periods of weakness.   It’s something to think about with banking top of mind. Failure in banking has become a dirty

The Superfluous Conceit of Mandatory Bank ‘Stress Tests’ Read More »

Keep California and New York Out of Washington: Expand the SALT Deduction

Every dollar the federal government taxes or borrows away is an extra dollar of control that Congress has over the economy. This is why Republicans should cheer any uncapping of the SALT deduction. Instead, they’re fighting against it. They claim it would be a tax cut for the rich (why that’s bad has never

Keep California and New York Out of Washington: Expand the SALT Deduction Read More »

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